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Development Software Microsoft Visual Studio 8

Microsoft Visual Studio 8Development Software by Microsoft

Visual Studio 8

Microsoft Visual Studio is a development software, compiler or (IDE) integrated development environment, as it is called. The Software is used to build and compile programs specifically for Microsoft Windows. Using the software you can make websites, web application, web services along with regular desktop applications. Visual studio uses Microsoft Development platforms such as Windows APi, Windows Forms, the Windows store and Presentation foundation. The software can produce both native and managed code.


Visual Studio is optimized to benefit the coder and make programming easy. The environment provided is excellent. The theme makes it very easy to differentiate bbetween written lines of codes, errors, instructions, comments and all other components of developing. The debugger is best on any compiler on earth. Using the debugger you can locate your errors and trace them out by modifying your logic or correcting your syntaxes. Another great feature is the prediction services, which predicts what text you are going to type as code. The service offers classes, function, variables you imitated as suggestion to save typing, effort and hassle.


Visual Studio lets you code in different programming languages, the code editor and debugger suppoerts almost every language on earth. You can download additional language packages if the language you require is not present on the bulit in storage. The built in languages include : C, C++, C#, VB.NET, Visaul C++, Python, Java, XML/HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XSTL, Ruby and many other.

The Visual Studio 2013 (VS2013) is latest addition the Lineup. The update adds quite a few features to the IDE. Among some noticeable changes are the revamped UI with aound more than 400 modified icons to match the bright cheerful look of Windows 8.


Visual Studio is offered by Microsoft at no cost to promote development and programming. The Commercial version of Products are available to offices, colleges and universities via Dreamspark accounts and other affiliate programs. The software is no doubt the best programming IDE and has no parallel.

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